QR codes, also known as quick response codes, have gained global popularity. This technology has made a lot of things easier, convenient, and quicker for consumers, as well as, business people, companies, organizations, and individuals owning the QR codes. There is a lot of content available on the Internet to know how these codes are helpful in present scenarios for marketing and sharing information. Also, the majority of people are very well aware of the significance of these codes. Here, we are discussing one such thing, without which, these QR codes are of no use. We are discussing a QR code scanner app. Let us discuss more. Quick response codes are coded images that are scanned to fetch the details or information in it. Creator can store a wide range of data in it, like text, URL, coupons, address, and more. One has to download or use a relevant application to scan QR code . A scanner is programmed with the decoder that sends the information to the user’s mobile phone ...